We are part of the NHSe Advanced Telephony Better Purchasing Framework

Check - Revolutionising Patient Access, One Call at a Time!

We’re excited to announce that Check is an authorised supplier on the NHS England, Advanced Telephony Better Purchasing Framework, with our innovative platform, Check Cloud. 


Better Purchasing Framework - what is it?

The BPF provides NHS professionals, including GP surgeries, Primary Care Networks (PCNs) and Integrated Care Boards (ICBs), with an informed, professionally organised and supportive platform to commission their advanced, cloud-hosted telephony system. Owned by the NHSe National Commercial and Procurement HUB, the framework provides a list of suppliers who conform to a nationally agreed NHS England cloud based telephony specification and adhere to NHS Terms and Conditions.

Should I use it?

The framework is designed to provide NHS professionals with the tools to make choosing their telecommunications provider much easier, offering specialist advice and support to make an informed and assured decision.